Our Senior Commercial Advisor and Claims specialist Musta Bajwa has demonstrated over 15 years of experience in the commercial management of complex rail commercial structures- including ITC (NBN rollout), D&C, Construct only and IC deeds. He is an established commercial and contracts professional over 15 years of experience in managing construction contracts within both the private and public sectors. Musta has worked on both client side and contractor side and brings a strong history on transport infrastructure projects. Musta has managed a number of different contract forms including Construct Only, D&C, alliance, lump sum and schedule of rates. Musta has been involved in several major construction and infrastructure projects where he administered contracts, resolved variations, claims and disputes and provided commercial and contract advice to project teams. He has good understanding of TfNSW contract and commercial policies and guidelines including internal communications and briefings, delegation levels, procurement and contracting strategies, schemes and panel agreements, contract forms and contract management tools. He has served as a Professsional Services Contractor for TfNSW in the capacity of Commercial Manager for the following projects.
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A Level 28, Inmark Towers, 710 George Street, Haymarket, NSW 2000
P +61 420 722 944| E info@peeradvisorygroup.com.au