Early involvement can be crucial for project outcomes, which is why the necessity to intervene timely can have great positive impact on influencing issues and further enhancing the opportunity to better the outcome for any settlement.
Peer Advisory Group's contracts advisory team puts effort in creating the opportunity for our clients to obtain an independent advice in an efficient and effective manner, that is based upon an in-depth knowledge of commercial contracts. Our assisting approach leads to strategic guidance for contract negotiations with the outcome to strengthen our client's position.
Our Team has comprehensive expertise of both public and private sectors in wide range of industries in Australia, encompassing all contract management related services. Our expertise in the fields of contracts advisory allows us to assist our clients during multiple phases of a contract's life-cycle, including matters before, during and after the contract execution and their relevant contract processes in order to minimise potential risks and maximise the outcome.
In order to enhance the decision-making process for our clients, our Team of consultants come up with clarity to complex situations with experience-based approaches founded on significant contracts management background of large-scale projects.
Services include:
- Drafting and negotiation of contractual documentations
- Drafting of contractual terms and conditions
- Interpretation of contractual terms and conditions
Ichthys LNG is ranked among the most significant oil and gas projects in the world.
The SLR network is a light rail system serving the city of Sydney, NSW. The network currently comprises of 42 stops with a system length of 24.7 km, making it the second largest light rail network in Australia.
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Peer Advisory Group | ABN 27 627 769 877
A Level 28, Inmark Towers, 710 George Street, Haymarket, NSW 2000
P +61 420 722 944| E info@peeradvisorygroup.com.au