Peer Advisory efficiently collaborates with its clients in the procurement process to assess, develop, and implement expedient procurement and purchasing models, as well as supporting organisations through the most beneficial contemporary practice policies, procedures and toolkits to ensure both cost-efficiency and compliance.
Peer Advisory’s approach brings the most valuable outcomes through reviewing relevant existing policies, procedures, systems, and current spend and purchasing behaviours and practices by key business areas. Our consultants are highly acclaimed for having the ability to align with current organisation objectives, best practices and latest changes in legislation.
Peer Advisory Group ensures that multiple stakeholders are engaged in the procurement and transaction processes via workshops or interviews in order to attain high-level analysis of opportunities.
Our consultants have gained a holistic approach to identify key points and realize the best outcomes. They have an in-depth and proven expertise in delivering.
Services include:
- the initial review of Tender responses,
- the evaluation of non‐price and commercial price schedule criteria,
- establishment of the tender evaluation committee,
- calculation of the tender assessment scoring,
- preparation of TAC reports, which outlines the assessment methodology and overall recommendations for the Tender Review Panel,
Ichthys LNG is ranked among the most significant oil and gas projects in the world.
The SLR network is a light rail system serving the city of Sydney, NSW. The network currently comprises of 42 stops with a system length of 24.7 km, making it the second largest light rail network in Australia.
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Peer Advisory Group | ABN 27 627 769 877
A Level 28, Inmark Towers, 710 George Street, Haymarket, NSW 2000
P +61 420 722 944| E